Saturday, October 8, 2011

"Hard times are some of the best times"

 Thank you delicious bottle of Mike's Hard Black Cherry Lemonade for that insightful piece of wisdom. The past few days have been a mix of hard and Mike's hard. Justin and I received an opportunity to rent-to-own 18 acres of land with a cabin, barn, and single-wide trailer for $335 a month. Bad news is its still in Henry County and its right next to his mom (also refered to as "psycho mommy"). Overall, this looks like a good thing for us. Only catch is that the first payment is due next week (see previous blog concerning lack of funds). I guess what's meant to be will find its way...
 Experienced my first hangover this morning. How is it that I can down Vodka, Whisky, or Tequilla all day long and never have a hangover, but If I drink 3 little bottles of Mike's I pay for it with aches and nausea? Weird. Until this morning I've just woken up still buzzed. Now I will think twice about what I drink. Limiting myself to 1 bottle of Mike's tonight. I think tonight my blog inspiration will come from what I am currently drinking, listening to, and wearing (get your mind out of the gutter!)

 Currently listening to Sara Evans, which makes life a little better. Her voice is so pretty and life becomes a little easier when you're able to sing about it. No Place That Far reminds me of me and Justin. He is my world, even when he's 3 hours away. He works so hard to pay both of our bills. It makes me feel bad for putting all that responsibilty on him. I've never had to depend on a guy like that before.
 I really hope I get a job soon so that I can contribute to our soon-to-be-joint checking account. I bank with SunTrust, who is taking away their free checking option in November. The only way to avoid paying a $7/m fee is to keep $500 in the bank everyday or have direct deposit. I;m not working at the moment so I cant do either of those. Also they're gonna charge $5 amonth for debit card use (which I depend on).

Currently wearing white shorts and a long-sleeve, v-neck, self tie-dyed shirt. Here in the mountains it will be cold one day and warm the next so I put summer on the bottom and winter on top. lol. I think this is like the 4th day in a row that I have worn tie-die. And what's sad is I still have more clean tie-dyed creations at my disposal for the next few days. I just love tie-dye. It's so colorful and semi-unpredictable. I hate having to wait 24 hours to wash it though. I'm not a patient woman.

Welp that pretty much sums it up this Saturday night. My lovely fiance is at a party without me, lucky dog. So I will set here all alone with my roommate drinking my Mike's and listening to Sara Evans...and wearing tie-dye

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