Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Project Be Skinny: Day 1

I'm really tired of being fat now. I've been the fat kid for way to long. Arent fat kids supposed to grow up to be amazingly stunning and sexy? Why has this not happened to me? It needs to happen to me.

My goal is to get down to 160 my the end of May. Current fatness: 215 lbs. Thats 55 lbs I need to melt off in time for bikini season....*looks at self*...this is gonna take a while. I havent been 160 lbs since Elementary school.

Considering people tell me I "wear (the fatness) well" and the'd "never guessed (I) weighed that much", I'm gonna list my starting measurements too just so you get a good visual as to how much work needs to be done.

Pants: size 16
Tops: unisex - medium; womens - large; fitted - x-large
Dresses: large, 14
Bust: 44.5 in
waist: 38 in
hips: 49 in (in need of serious slimming)

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